Travel Stories From Around the World
Welcome to our travel blog! We like to write about our travels, we cover itineraries and spotlights on destinations around the world, all packed with tips and useful information.
Stories from our home country, both in English and Romanian
De la Bâlea Lac, punctul cel mai înalt al Transfăgărășanului, există mai multe trasee care cu siguranță vă vor deschide apetitul pentru munții înalți și pentru drumețiile mai dificile din Carpați.
ExploreMunții Rodnei se îmbracă în fiecare sfârșit de iunie într-un roz intens, specific bujorului de munte, numit și smârdar. În 2020 am luat-o spre crestele Rodnei în căutarea faimoaselor flori. Am profitat de ocazie să ajungem și pe Ineu, unul dintre principalele vârfuri din zonă.
ExploreÎn ultimii ani am încercat să fugim la munte mai des, și am făcut, printre altele, multe drumeții de o zi în zona munților Apuseni. Împărtășim cu voi în acest articol o listă rezultată din experiențele noastre, listă ce poate fi utilă mai ales pentru cei care locuiesc în zona Clujului, dar și pentru cei din orașele și județele învecinate.
ExploreAll you need to know about the places you are going to visit
Split between Argentina and Brazil, Iguazu falls is one of the most spectacular natural sights in the world. It is a destination we wanted to reach for a long time and in early 2019 we got to stay for two days in the area, visiting both the Brazilian and the Argentinian side of the falls. This article summarizes our experience.
ExploreIf you want to visit Europe, you certainly have a lot of beautiful cities to discover. Paris, London, Barcelona, Prague, Amsterdam, to name a few, are great destinations for city breaks or for a few days stop while touring a region. But during our travels we found that lesser known cities can offer a better visiting experience. We hope this article helps you discover new destinations for the summer season, as the restrictions in Europe are slowly lifted.
ExploreSapa is famous for the rice terraces covering the mountains around it. But even more fascinating than the landscapes are the people inhabiting them. Find out more about them in this article.
ExplorePlanning a big trip? maybe you get inspired from our journeys
Japan is a unique travel destination, famous for its distinct culture and well organized society. It is one of the most technologized countries, but at the same time, one where people live in balance with nature. The most popular period for visiting Japan is during sakura - the cherry blossom spring festival.
ExploreSouth-East Asia is a region with rich history, beautiful landscapes and incredibly warm people. Exploring Vietnam and Cambodia was an opportunity to understand the values of two countries that went through war in their recent history and found the strength to recover from it. Our 15 days journey takes us through four different regions - Hanoi, Ho-Chi-Minh City, Siem Reap and Phu Quoc island.
ExploreWelcome to one of the hidden gems of central Asia. A former soviet republic inhabited by turkic people with centuries old cities that were once major stops on the famous Silk Road, Uzbekistan offers a unique cultural experience.